Enfant, on jouait dans le bouillon à former des mots avec des pâtes alphabet. Adulte, on aime régresser avec des envies de bonbon chimique, si possible. Ecrire avec des smarties, dessiner des paysages ou se moquer des interdits, grâce aux merveilleuses couleurs Haribo. Une collection de petites autos ne nuit pas...
When a child, we used to play to write words using alphabet pasta in our broth. Since we are grown up, we love the regressive feeling of playing with candies, chemical ones are our favorite. Writing words with smarties, drawing landscapes or making fun of conventions, thanks to the wonderful Haribo colours. A collection of small cars is always welcome..
For the ones who feel shy or intimidated by the blank page, they can enjoy themselves shading book covers, respecting shapes and colours. Isn't it nice to devour the book you just coloured up with candies ?
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