La prospérité chinoise favorise le superflu. A Nanjing, l’art du gâteau en témoigne. Les pâtissiers rivalisent de formes, crèmes et couleurs pour offrir des ‘rencontres esthétiques’, assorties de slogans publicitaires percutants tels : ‘l’été est la saison de l’amour parce tout est empli de chaleur’
et d’aphorismes inoubliables :
‘Une rencontre mystérieuse passe
Elle fait partie du monde naturel’
‘Oublie de retenir tes doigts
Tu m’a amené voir les nuages roses
Chinese prosperity enables people to treat themselves for luxuries. In Nanjing the art of making cakes shows it. Pastry chefs rival in shapes, creams and colours. They offer ‘esthetical encounters’ and striking advertising slogans such as ‘Summer is the season of love because everything is filled with hot’
and unforgettable aphorisms like
‘Mysterious encounter passing
It is part of the natural world’
‘Forget holding your fingers
You took me to read the rosy clouds
All over the places’
Cette frénésie pâtissière ne pouvait pas nous laisser indifférents. Dans le catalogue, le gâteau des vieux sages taoïstes termina de nous ravir.
We were borne away by the wind of pastry and enlightened by the Taoist wise old men's cake.The central red character is the one for longevity and the Chinese text around it, says : ‘'Happiness is like the east sea, longevity can be compared with the southern mountain’. We only asked that this georgeous sentence, even though a bit abstruse, be replaced by a much more modest piece of writing.
Et voilà le travail... Longue vie aux Undergroond Gastronomes !
And here it is... Long life to the Undergroond Gastronomes !
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