Michelle Obama ! Forbes Magazine named her the World's Most Powerful Foodie "because her Let's Move campaign has moved the food issue to the top of the national agenda, shining a bright light on the links between childhood obesity and America's fast food diet."
Although she is criticized by many in the sustainable food movement, for being too close to the food chain Walmart, her Kitchen Garden initiative has inspired similar projects in schools and communities across the country. "Our ultimate hope is that when kids participate in the growth of food they'll be more interested in using that food, and being more likely to try some new things" Mrs. Obama says. Chefs Move to Schools is another Let's Move! component that marries professional chefs to local schools to boost nutrition initiatives. 3,700 chefs have now signed up to participate. However there is still a long way to go. Lobbyists, big food corporations, and their friends on Capitol Hill just managed to have a Congressional bill passed a few days ago, that has turned pizza into a vegetable....
Although she is criticized by many in the sustainable food movement, for being too close to the food chain Walmart, her Kitchen Garden initiative has inspired similar projects in schools and communities across the country. "Our ultimate hope is that when kids participate in the growth of food they'll be more interested in using that food, and being more likely to try some new things" Mrs. Obama says. Chefs Move to Schools is another Let's Move! component that marries professional chefs to local schools to boost nutrition initiatives. 3,700 chefs have now signed up to participate. However there is still a long way to go. Lobbyists, big food corporations, and their friends on Capitol Hill just managed to have a Congressional bill passed a few days ago, that has turned pizza into a vegetable....

Michelle Obama ! Le magazine Forbes l'a élue personne la plus influente du monde culinaire en raison de son rôle moteur dans Let's Move, campagne de lutte contre l'obésité qui insiste sur l'importance d'une bonne nutrition dès l'enfance.
Même si elle est critiquée pour sa proximité avec les supermarchés Walmart, son initiative de créer un potager à la Maison Blanche a essaimé dans nombre d'écoles et de communautés à travers le pays. "Notre espoir ultime est que quand les enfants participent à la culture de leur nourriture, ils s'intéressent plus à la consommation de cette nourriture et soient plus enclins à essayer de nouvelles choses" indique Mme Obama. Un autre volet de la campagne Let's Move consiste à rapprocher les chefs des écoles de façon à promouvoir une meilleure nutrition. A ce jour, 3700 chefs ont donné leur accord pour s'impliquer. Toutefois, le chemin à parcourir est encore long. Pour preuve, la semaine dernière, sous la pression de lobbyistes et de grandes entreprises alimentaires, le Congrès a voté un amendement qui décrète que la pizza est un légume.... On croit rêver !
L'amendement de décembre concernera probablement le burger...mais j'y pense, les frites sont des légumes... et le pain, issu du blé, issu d'une plante qui pousse dans la terre, c'est un légume....
RépondreSupprimerCe ne serait pas les cerveaux mous des parlementaires américains qui se seraient transformés en citrouille!!!