On a eu envie de jouer avec 5 couleurs..
On a trouvé plein de légumes à cuisiner en jaune, orange, vert et rouge. Des poivrons, des carottes, des courgettes, des radis... Il y avait même des betteraves cinétiques. Ce buffet était tellement nutritionnellement correct que ça nous a un peu inquiétés !
We felt like playing with 5 colours..
We found plenty of vegetable to cook with. Yellow, orange, red and green were easy to make with peppers, carrots, zucchinis, radishes... We even found kinetik beetroot. Our buffet was so nutritionally correct that we actually were a bit upset !
Alors on a ajouté un peu de bleu au riz. So the rice has been dyed blue..
Et aussi des smarties de toutes les couleurs..
And we also added multi-coloured smarties..

Then guests were asked to take a picture of their creation with a Polaroid and its Impossible film. Someone suggested that their feet be on the photo and we thought it was a good idea. Guests wrote their name, the picture time and hung the photo on the wall. The photo needs 30 mn to reveal.
Et voilà le travail ! And that's how it's done !